CURRENT SPECIALS! Grab one of these gems shown below today! Already made and ready to go. To order, pick your item below and email me at with order details.
Standard Masterpieces....
Any pic on this website can be made into any of the below creative gifts for you or someone else. If you don't see what you want listed, ask! Will do what we can to accommodate your request!
Choose your item below.
Regular Prints Frames (includes pic)
Item A- 4 x 6 print, $10 Item AA- 4 x 6 in basic frame $20
Item B- 5 x7 print, $15 Item BB- 5 x 7 in basic frame $25
Item C- 8 x 10 print, $25 Item CC- 8 x 10 in basic frame $40
Item D- 11 x 14 print, $35 Item DD- 11 x 14 in basic frame $50
Item E- 16 x 20 print, $60 Item EE- 16 x 20 in basic frame $80
Item F- 16 x 24 print, $80 Item FF- 16 x 24 in basic frame, $100
Canvas Prints Specialty Frames- Floating Frame
Item G- 8 x 12 canvas print $100 Item GG- 5 x 7 pic in 8 x 10 floating frame $65
Item H- 12 x 18 canvas print $200 Item HH- 5 x 7 pic in 8 x 10 heavy border
Item I- 18 x 24 canvas print $250 floating frame $75
Item J- 20 x 30 canvas print $300 Specialty Frames- Shadow Box
Keychains Item II- 5 x 7 pic in 8 x 10 shadow box $75
Item K- Regular keychain $30 Item JJ- 8 x 10 pic in 11 x 14 shadow box $100
Item L- Double sided keychain $40 Larger frame, smaller print
Blankets Item KK- 5 x 7 pic in 8 x 10 frame $30
Item M- Fleece 50 x 60 with pic $100 Item LL- 8 x 10 pic in 11 x 14 frame $50
Item N- Sherpa 50 x 60 with pic $125 Specialty Frames- Heavy Border
Mugs Item MM- 16 x 24 pic in 18 x 24 frame $120
Item O- Mug- $30 Item NN- 20 x 30 pic in 20 x 30 frame $160
Puzzles Specialty Frames- Fancy Edges
Item P- 10 x 14 puzzle $50 Item OO_ 5 x 7 in fancy edge frame $40
Metallic Prints Item PP- 8 x 10 in fancy edge frame $50
Item Q- 4 x 6 metallic print $20 Photo Magnets
Item R- 5 x 7 metallic print $30 Item QQ- 4 x 6 photo magnet with pic $15
Item S- 8 x 10 metallic print $45 Item RR- 5 x 7 photo magnet with pic $20
Item T- 11 x 14 metallic print $60 Bordered Prints
Item U- 16 x 20 metallic print $85 Item SS- 5 x 7 prints with white border $25
Item V- 16 x 24 metallic print $100
Any pic on this website can be made into any of the below creative gifts for you or someone else. If you don't see what you want listed, ask! Will do what we can to accommodate your request!
Choose your item below.
Regular Prints Frames (includes pic)
Item A- 4 x 6 print, $10 Item AA- 4 x 6 in basic frame $20
Item B- 5 x7 print, $15 Item BB- 5 x 7 in basic frame $25
Item C- 8 x 10 print, $25 Item CC- 8 x 10 in basic frame $40
Item D- 11 x 14 print, $35 Item DD- 11 x 14 in basic frame $50
Item E- 16 x 20 print, $60 Item EE- 16 x 20 in basic frame $80
Item F- 16 x 24 print, $80 Item FF- 16 x 24 in basic frame, $100
Canvas Prints Specialty Frames- Floating Frame
Item G- 8 x 12 canvas print $100 Item GG- 5 x 7 pic in 8 x 10 floating frame $65
Item H- 12 x 18 canvas print $200 Item HH- 5 x 7 pic in 8 x 10 heavy border
Item I- 18 x 24 canvas print $250 floating frame $75
Item J- 20 x 30 canvas print $300 Specialty Frames- Shadow Box
Keychains Item II- 5 x 7 pic in 8 x 10 shadow box $75
Item K- Regular keychain $30 Item JJ- 8 x 10 pic in 11 x 14 shadow box $100
Item L- Double sided keychain $40 Larger frame, smaller print
Blankets Item KK- 5 x 7 pic in 8 x 10 frame $30
Item M- Fleece 50 x 60 with pic $100 Item LL- 8 x 10 pic in 11 x 14 frame $50
Item N- Sherpa 50 x 60 with pic $125 Specialty Frames- Heavy Border
Mugs Item MM- 16 x 24 pic in 18 x 24 frame $120
Item O- Mug- $30 Item NN- 20 x 30 pic in 20 x 30 frame $160
Puzzles Specialty Frames- Fancy Edges
Item P- 10 x 14 puzzle $50 Item OO_ 5 x 7 in fancy edge frame $40
Metallic Prints Item PP- 8 x 10 in fancy edge frame $50
Item Q- 4 x 6 metallic print $20 Photo Magnets
Item R- 5 x 7 metallic print $30 Item QQ- 4 x 6 photo magnet with pic $15
Item S- 8 x 10 metallic print $45 Item RR- 5 x 7 photo magnet with pic $20
Item T- 11 x 14 metallic print $60 Bordered Prints
Item U- 16 x 20 metallic print $85 Item SS- 5 x 7 prints with white border $25
Item V- 16 x 24 metallic print $100
1. Choose your pic from the home page or one of the collections on the US or Europe/Foreign pages. (Use the links at the right to visit those pages.) 2. Choose the product from above and obtain its letter. 3. Fill in the order form below or send an email to, with the details of your order. Make sure to include any special requests and/or shipping time desired. 4. Wait for confirmation of price totals including shipping, and then payment can be made through paypal to this same email address. |
What else does ChristiBowersPhotography offer?
Weddings/Events/Team Pics. This may include weddings, birthday parties, any event you wish to memorialize with photographs. Will come to your event for a small fee and purchased package of prints! For a bit larger fee, will travel to your event across the globe!
Group photos! Ask for prices on group/team photos as well as individual team member shots!
Website Pics! Will come to your business and take pics to be used on your business website. Ask about the different packages available! Packages range from a standard package with basic pics of your place to super packages that include shots taken during live events, etc.
Christi's Trademark...
Special!!!!!!!! Proxy Photography
What is proxy photography? I will visit that extraordinary place and take the shots for you!
If you would like photos of amazing places, but can't go there yourself, hire me to go there and make a photo collection!
Send inquiries to
Weddings/Events/Team Pics. This may include weddings, birthday parties, any event you wish to memorialize with photographs. Will come to your event for a small fee and purchased package of prints! For a bit larger fee, will travel to your event across the globe!
Group photos! Ask for prices on group/team photos as well as individual team member shots!
Website Pics! Will come to your business and take pics to be used on your business website. Ask about the different packages available! Packages range from a standard package with basic pics of your place to super packages that include shots taken during live events, etc.
Christi's Trademark...
Special!!!!!!!! Proxy Photography
What is proxy photography? I will visit that extraordinary place and take the shots for you!
If you would like photos of amazing places, but can't go there yourself, hire me to go there and make a photo collection!
Send inquiries to

Who is Christi Bowers the Photographer?
I have been interested in photography since I was about five years old, taking pics of the family on holidays and just snapping shots of anything I wanted to remember. What I love about photography is being able to preserve moments in time. The goal of my photography is to capture unique images such as a rare red sunset, the perfect cloud formation over a monument, or a storm that leaves pastel colors in the sky. By traveling to different countries and hiking mountains, I am able to find those rare pieces of time and bring them to you.
Why the website? Why traveling around and taking all of these shots? The goal of my photography is to show that the world is a beautiful place that is worthy and in need of preserving. There are some amazing places on this earth. I hope that sharing these amazing pics will motivate people to appreciate and preserve our planet.